Workforce Oklahoma Employment Classes
Workforce will be hosting FREE employment classes in August.
Customer Service Workshop
Tuesday, August 7th 10-11:30am: Not sure how to provide the excellent customer service? Come learn about what customers are seeking, and how you can go into any customer service situation confident in your service! For more information:
Resume Building Workshop
Thursday, August 9th 10-11:30am: Learn why a resume is important and the correct way to build one. For more information:
Interview Skills Workshop
Thursday, August 16th 10-11:30am: Preparing for an Interview can be tough… Come learn the importance of Interview Preparation! For more information:
Summer @Your Library
The event have been posted! Check out the events under the Summer @Your Library tab or our Facebook events page: Facebook Events Page
Volunteers Wanted!!!!
Summer is just around the corner and the Library is in need of Volunteers for the months of June and the first week of July! If you decided to join us in out quest for an epic summer, you will get to see behind the scene action of the library. Like how we make and create events for the public, how we come up with ideas about decorating the building, and much more! We take people of all ages, so even adults can apply!
If you are a part of the National Honor Society, Young Marines, or Junior National Honor Society you can easily get in 40+ hours of volunteer time in June alone. Please consider us for volunteer hours this summer. If you are interested please print and fill out this form:
And For Adults Only:
Once these are fill out return them to the front desk of the library to receive your ticket to Volunteer Training. We look forward to working with you!
Closed Good Friday
March Woman-ness
Through out the Month of March we are voting on the most awesome woman there is in Fiction! So stop by the front desk and pick up your voting sheet today! or print off the voting sheet below and submit it to the library! or Mark a copy in Word and send it to!
GuPL March Madness 2018 voting Round 6
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
3rd Annual Crowns Tea
2017 Annual Friends of the Library Book Sale
2017 Friends of the Guthrie Public Library Book Sale
The Friends of the Guthrie Public Library Book Sale is quickly approaching. On Friday, February 3, 2017 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm is the Annual Meeting and Members Only Night.
On Saturday, February 4, 2017 from 8:00 am. to 5:00 pm is open to the public. The location for Friday and Saturday is:
Presbyterian Church – Fellowship Hall, 102 East Noble.
All proceeds benefit the Guthrie Public Library. For more information call 405-282-0050.